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Honoring the style of the great puzzles of History, Shadow of Osiris is a particularly pleasant game to play. The choice of images and texts allows for quality immersion while offering a little entertaining cerebral challenge. For a first game, it's a total success! We will all the more appreciate the presence of a “Journal” which presents numerous design details of the game. Bravo for this work!

The Shadows of Osiris was RogerCAKT's first attempt at creating a video game on his own, and I like it. Made in the context of Yaz Jam 4 where the purpose was to use AI tools, Roger did it brilliantly which resulted in the beautiful Egyptian/SciFi pictures and soundtrack. His game is not perfect but a lot of efforts and passion must have been put into this (and fun, hopefully?) and I find it very inspiring. Regarding the game itself it's a kind of short narrative/visual novel made with Renpy, but not the usual visual novel: you'll have to go through a succession of riddles and find the good answer everytime -sometimes obvious, sometimes not!- to try to repair a mysterious alien cube that broke when you touched it...